Responsible and Innovative SMEs in Central Europe

RI (Self-)Assessment tool

The assessment aims at identifying which RI goals and elements matter to specific organisations, as they represent areas where they can make a difference in contributing to sustainable and inclusive development and drivers they can effectively leverage on to manage their innovation processes responsibly.

Specifically, the assessment is carried with reference to:

  • The impact of innovative products and services on sustainable and inclusive development vis a vis the UN Sustainable Development (macro) Goals; and
  • The capacity to shape the innovation process according to the RI themes proposed by the EU Commission within the H2020 framework.

Thus reflecting:

  • Areas of improvement of the innovation process and/or the features of the innovative product/service towards a fuller contribution to sustainable and socially desirable growth and development;
  • Drivers/enablers of responsible innovation that can be rely onto or that need to be developed/achieved manage the innovation process so that its results contribute to sustainable and socially desirable growth and development.

A comprehensive description of the tool is available in ROSIE D.T.1.1.5 - Description and Guidelines to ROSIE RI Workbox.

The tool has the format of questionnaire to be filled on-line. Two radar graphs are generated representing the extent to which the enterprises “covers” the different RI goals and “embraces” the different RI drivers.

Assess your Responsible Innovation now!