Responsible and Innovative SMEs in Central Europe

RI In-depth Assessment Tool

The tool is inspired by the RRI Tools Self-Reflection Tool

The RRI Self-Reflection Tool allows for further development and/or integration of items and examples for the assessment of RRI themes: ethics, gender equality, governance, open access, public engagement, science education ROSIE worked at such further development and integration, to deliver ROSIE Self-Assessment Tool (output of the Train-The-Trainer Capacity Building Session).

The assessment aims at reflecting on the current, actual procedures/initiatives/measures the enterprise has in place already and that fall within the domain of Responsible Innovation and refer to the RRI themes: ethics, gender equality, governance, open access, public engagement, science education. The in-depths assessment is preliminary to improvement planning.

The tool has the format of questionnaire to be filled on-line. An open-source word-editor file is generated including all answers.

Take a deeper look into your Responsible Innovation!